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Tom Sloan

Headshot photo of Tom

Tom is a social researcher and development practitioner with strong strategic, operational, administrative and relationship management skills coupled with an understanding of prudent management of organisational change within multi-stakeholder environments. He specialises in applying systems thinking approaches to problem solving and drawing on interdisciplinary understandings of contested issues to identify leverage points to generate change.

Tom has extensive experience using mixed-method and qualitative approaches to research. His research interests and experience are broad, covering governance, climate change mitigation and adaptation, higher education and pedagogy, and sport management. This experience has contributed to a number of already peer-reviewed published journal articles, with others currently under review.

As Sustineo’s CEO, Tom is responsible for the overarching management of Sustineo activities, as well as the design and conduct of Sustineo’s research and impact assessment activities. This includes the development and review of research methodologies to align with the specific project context, through to the development of strategic partnerships and collaborative relationships with clients and project partners.

In his time at Sustineo, Tom has demonstrated his capacity to apply academically rigorous standards of work in ways practical and relevant for project partners. He has worked extensively with Sustineo’s international portfolio of work, leading the design and conduct of projects with UNDP, APEC, ASEAN and ACIAR, amongst others.