Nicky has over 20 years’ experience in the assessment of the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of public and private sector processes, programs and projects.
Through her former role as a Senior Director at the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO), she has extensive knowledge and experience in managing and coordinating detailed reviews of government activities using a variety of methodologies. These reviews involved initial assessment of policy advice through to undertaking extensive fieldwork and analysis to understand what is actually being delivered to program recipients. This work regularly included examining cross-jurisdictional funding arrangements and the delivery of significant infrastructure outcomes. With the final reports tabled in the Australian Parliament, she has had significant experience in data collection, data analysis and preparation of public reports. She has also been involved in presenting these performance audit findings to industry bodies and key stakeholders including through Parliamentary Inquiries.
In mid-2015 Nicky completed a three-year secondment to the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Auditor-General's Office as part of the Australian Government’s Strongim Gavman Program. Her primary role in PNG was to assist the staff to build a new performance audit capability within the Office, and to develop mechanisms and staff development activities to ensure the capability could be sustained in the longer term.
Since completing this long term adviser position, Nicky has been involved in providing specialist technical input and leading review activities on a variety of projects in Australia, PNG, Solomon Islands and Indonesia.