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Welcome to Sustineo, Dr Tess Newton Cain!

Photo of Tess

We are thrilled to welcome Dr Tess Newton Cain to the Sustineo team! Tess has an impressive track record across research, analysis, commentary, and diplomacy to foster positive development in the Pacific region. We asked Tess to share a little about why she chose to join us at Sustineo – read her thoughts below:

What drew you to Sustineo?

I was drawn to Sustineo by several things. Their deep knowledge and understanding of the Pacific Islands region resonates very strongly with me. I have worked with Sustineo before and have known some of the people involved for a number of years and have always felt valued and respected by them, which is very important. Plus, they are good fun and involved in some really cool stuff outside the office.

What do you hope to achieve during your time at Sustineo?

I would like to make some new friends and be part of a team that works hard and values everyone who is involved. I am looking forward to working on some cool projects to support Pacific communities and countries in achieving their aspirations. I also hope to support Sustineo in developing its profile in the region and promoting the good work that we do.

What has been your biggest learning experience from your career so far?

Don’t be in a rush to get to ‘the answer’ – focus on asking better questions.

Tell us something we don’t know about you.

As I am an international woman of mystery, there are lots of things you don’t know about me which is as it should be. However, I am prepared to reveal that I do not have a middle name.

Outside of work, what are you passionate about?

I am passionate about spending quality time with friends and family, whether over a meal or kava. I have also recently taken up pottery, which I enjoy immensely despite not being very good at it.

What was the last book you read?

‘Killing on Country’ by David Marr.


Follow Tess on LinkedIn here.