In late May 2021, Nina joined Sustineo on a five-week contract to support delivering some key reporting deliverables in the lead up to the end of financial year… and she is still here!
The last two years has certainly gone quickly. Throughout, Nina has well and truly established herself as Sustineo’s internal chameleon – throwing in where needed across projects, proposals, communications, and internal system and process improvements (as well as actually chameleon-ing her hair colour from lilac to blonde to bright purple and even blue).
Beyond being our in-house graphic design and communications guru, Nina has developed her research and consulting craft across a broad range of domestic and international projects.
Domestically, Nina has played key coordination, analytical, and reporting contributions on evaluations with the Director of National Parks and National Indigenous Australians Agency, while also supporting our work with the Australian National University Centre for Entrepreneurial Agri-Technology in the agricultural workforce space.
In the context of working with partners in the Pacific, Nina has also been a key enabler of effective remote collaboration. For projects in Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, and Tonga, Nina has led survey digitisation, supported survey training, and led the quality assurance touch-bases with field teams and data management processes. With her firm grip on this data, she has pushed for new and novel ways to visualise findings – much to the benefit of our clients!
As part of Sustineo, Nina is a wonderful personality to have in the team. She channels our values through our work and approach to engaging with the team and pushes us as an organisation to get behind other fundraising and charitable causes aligned to our organisational mission.
Beyond all this, she certainly upped the team’s pottery (did we mention she has a kiln in the backyard?) and orienteering game… and has been a driving reason for why we have such an expanded selection of tea on offer if you join us in the office.
Thank you, Nina, for your contributions over the last two years and here’s to more to come!