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About The Course


About the Course

The overarching themes of prevention, protection and participation are integral for equipping leaders with the necessary knowledge and tools to affect change and support sustainable peace and security outcomes in a multi-agency context. Course facilitators and guest speakers will address the following themes over the week.

Five Day Program

Setting The Scene

Gain background knowledge and insights into the past and current women, peace and security environment. This day leads into the three central themes of the week: Prevention, Protection and Participation.

Prevention: Gender Based Violence

Enhance your understanding of gender-based violence, with a focus on its impact on individuals and communities and the key strategies used by security sector agencies to prevent gender based violence in conflict, post conflict and peace building settings. 


Increase your awareness of each agency's separate and shared roles in the protection of women in conflict, post conflict and peace building processes and learn strategies for continual improvement.


Improve your understanding of women's participation within agencies and gain an appreciation of the positive impacts of increasing women's contribution to the post conflict and peace building processes. 

Mainstreaming and Integration

Engage in the opportunity to integrate all learning, knowledge and tools from the course and create strategies for your agency. Use these strategies to inform and lead change within your agency. 

Facilitators and Speakers

This course will be facilitated by a team of experts with experience in the security sector. Through sharing experiences, ideas and knowledge, these experts will provide an opportunity for participants to enhance their understanding of the role of women in the peace and security sector. The facilitators will be supported by key organisation and individuals from Australia's diverse public, private and NGO sectors. 

For further enquiries and information on how to register, please e-mail:

For further information, please see:

Australia's National Action Plan on Women Peace and Security 2012-2018 

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325